Daemon x Machina Is Coming To PC

Publisher XSEED seems to be on something of a roll right now and they continue to expand their catalog as Daemon X Machina mechs its way onto PC.

Already deployed on the Nintendo Switch, this high-speed mechanoid action game flies off Nintendo’s handheld console and onto PC as of 13 February. Initially released back in September 2019 after an awesome E3 reception, this action shooter will arrive on PC via Steam and cost $59.99, €59.99, and £49.99. However, the title is already available for pre order on Steam and comes with a 20% discount as well as a whole arsenal of extras.

Gunning for the PC

The port of this game should provide PC players with an opportunity to experience a frantic battle for humanity with a host of upgrades. Obvious visual upgrades will make use of the PC processing power to improve the overall experience for pilots. This upgrade accompanies several customization options and support for gamepads as well as keyboard and mouse. Outside of some licensed add ons, the new edition of Deamon x Machina will include all content updates including new Arsenal gear, cosmetic options, Colossal Immortal battles, and a co-op Exploration Mission mode.

Developed by Marvelous First Studio and produced by Kenichiro Tsukuda, who also produced the Armoured Core series, this game puts players in control of enormous metal robots they fight for a future where humanity is, of course, under threat. After the moon collides with Earth, artificial intelligence goes a bit haywire and it is up to the Outers, Outer, a new breed of humans that emerged following a global catastrophe, to suit up and defend the human race against these artificial predators. Featuring the sort of action that will excite anybody who’s ever screamed “GUNNNDAAAAM” Daemon x Machina provides a range of narrative missions, procedural dungeons, customizable combat options, as well as versus modes for PvP centric pilots.

You can check out some of the action in the new trailer above, or head over to Seam to grab the game now. Anybody who suits up before launch or within a month of launch will get bonuses including Arsenal mech, Outer suits for their character, and a set of five weapons.


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