Get The Outer Worlds Free If You Act Fast

The holiday freebies continue with The Outer Worlds Free via Epic Games Store

There are still more goodies under the digital tree. The epic games Store unwrapped another bonus for nothing. The Outer World, the award-winning RPG from Obsidian Entertainment and Private Division, is available with no money down. All you have to do to get this huge discount and an acclaimed sci-fi adventure is head to the Epic game Store and bag the 100% discount before Epic rescind the deal. Once the transaction is complete, you can download and play The Outer Worlds, on PC, using the Epic store client.

This new freebie is just the latest big budget discount thrown out by Epic. It follows on form the likes of Melvor Idle, Destiny 2: Legacy Collection, and DNF Duel going free throughout December. If you didn’t catch the incredible Runescape inspired idle clicker, or the gargantuan Destiny 2 drop then there’s still plenty to do in The Outer Worlds. Obsidian’s own take on the final frontier is a unique take on our early ideas of space travel. Turned into a human popsicle and flung into outer space, players thaw out on an extra-terrestrial colony that’s gone on without you. Unfortunately, things aren’t all fantastic ray guns and weird goo. Instead, you’ll find a dark conspiracy in among the cool weapon, eccentric locals, and cool environments.

A range of planets are available to explore, with the Spacer’s Choice Edition adding in an all the available DLC. A remastered version of the 2019 release, bundles in better graphics, improved performance, additional animations, higher-res environments, a raised level cap, and a host of new stories to explore.

Find your ship, build your crew, explore the settlements, and visit the space stations, throughout Halcyon for free now. Head over to the Epic Games Store in the next few hours to lock in The Outer Worlds free.

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For those of you who I’ve not met yet, my name is Ed. After an early indoctrination into PC gaming, years adrift on the unwashed internet, running a successful guild, and testing video games, I turned my hand to writing about them. Now, you will find me squawking across a multitude of sites and even getting to play games now and then

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