Amazon Games has announced that Lost Ark has received its April update that brings new challenges to Hanumatan Guardian Raid. In addition, players will also find a number of new quests, raids, weapons, and more in the MMO‘s new patch.
Those looking to take on the mighty Hanumatan in a Guardian raid must be equipped with item level 1540 gear. “like Brelshaza Hard Mode, Ancient accessories can be earned by successful parties harvesting the Guardian’s soul.” For lucky types, there’s also a chance that the Legendary Galewind Rune can drop as well. Great challenges equal great rewards!
Sidereal Weapons are a new type of gear. These are earned from a new questline starting at Item Level 1520. The quests start with a ‘Sidereal: Galatur’s Will’ item that drops from completing either the Normal or Hard mode of the Brelshaza Legion Raid. These items can trigger the new quest from a player’s inventory. From there, a chain of quests begins that continues as the weapon is leveled up.
Players will also be able to take part in the Sweet Sugarpetal Festival from now through May 10th.
The Lopang Corporation manager Hytino needs help. Hytino can be found in major cities to kick off an event quest line. With special event Daily Una’s Tasks available, a variety of rewards can be earned from daily completions. Rewards can also be harvested for earning Una’s reputation points as the event continues. From cosmetics like the Sweet Cake Headwear Selection Chest to Leapstones and even a Relic Rapport Selection Chest, the rewards are as sweet as the event
The patch notes and explanations of what’s available in this big update are all available on the Lost Ark official site.