Wanted: Dead Combat Showcase Shows You How To Finish On Valentine’s Day

Wanted: Dead is coming soon, and this brand new trailer breaks down finishing moves in the upcoming title.

Valentine’s Day is about to get messy. Flailing limbs, bodily fluids, and some hardcore action are set to paint the screen red when Wanted: Dead launches next month. Among the chaos and frantic combat of this upcoming adventure, players will be able to master an impressive mix of first-person gunplay, martial arts, and sword swinging. While we’re already sold on taking down faceless goons and criminal gangs, Wanted: Dead developer Soleil wants to make sure you do it with style.

Following on from last week’s Combat Explained video, publisher 110 Industries has released a run down of finisher moves. These combat flairs come in more than 50 varieties, allowing players to cut through the enemy in a number of ways, from environmental Takedowns to simply stabbing somebody through the head.

Takedowns in Wanted: Dead are explosive in variety and feature situational kills, environmental hazards, and opponent-specific modes. While these are useful, they aren’t the only way to complete a fight. Depleting a stamina bar or using central protagonist Hannah’s ultimate attack can stagger enemies, leading to a range of impressive and deadly kills. More skillful melee parries can also initiate the end, and these do feel the most satisfying when cutting through opponents. If you want to see more than our description can offer, then check out the preview above.

If this is your first time encountering the chaotic combat of a near future Hong Kong, then you’re in luck. Hannah and the off the books Ghost Squad won’t drag you up against a range of corporate overlords and their criminal henchmen until 14 February 2023. From then on, you’ll be able to hack slash, shoot, and decapitate your way through a range of fast-flowing encounters, and then grab some noodles back at base. Check out our hands on impressions for more or head over to the official website before Wanted: Dead launches on PC and console.

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For those of you who I’ve not met yet, my name is Ed. After an early indoctrination into PC gaming, years adrift on the unwashed internet, running a successful guild, and testing video games, I turned my hand to writing about them. Now, you will find me squawking across a multitude of sites and even getting to play games now and then

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