Teamfight Tactics Goes Large With A Monsters Attack Update

Monsters Attack kryart

Teamfight Tactics, Riots innovate League of Legends spin off, is about to stomp all over the competition when the Monsters Attack update arrives.

Due to crush all before it in early December, and knocking over expectations in the process, the reveal of this new add on for Teamfight Tactics is certainly unexpected. The introduction of gigantic hero units, Kaiju sized opponents, and invaders that dwarf the skyline take this desktop and mobile auto battler in a different direction. The upcoming update moves on from the traditional fantasy themed Dragonlands content and finds players pitting themselves, and their team, against a mysterious army of monstrous invaders that would definately make Shinji turn tail.

An entirely new art style enters the arena for this update, with the fate of the world unfolding in an entirely new way. Different challenges require inventive solutions, so the core gameplay systems are set for an upgrade too. A new Threat system moves away from the current Trait mechanics. Threats don’t benefit from fielding other threats, and they have no other traits. They’re more powerful than other units, which compensates for their stripped-down vibe. Players can still field any number of them, which adds to their versatility.

Augments are also another major change to this invasion These will allow players to build customized heroes each session by picking all new Hero Augments. This streamlines powers to a single Hero, meaning the entire team will likely need to complement each other, rather than spread those abilities across the entire group.

Players already familiar with the Teamfight gameplay are set for an entirely fresh challenge as they put together a team, place them on the battlefield, imbue them with Augments, and hope that these defenders of the earth can push back the tide. There’s more detail on the incoming Monsters Attack in the video above. Players eager to try out the updates and add their own feedback can jump into the Public Beta Environment on 15 November, or check out the official website for more.

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For those of you who I’ve not met yet, my name is Ed. After an early indoctrination into PC gaming, years adrift on the unwashed internet, running a successful guild, and testing video games, I turned my hand to writing about them. Now, you will find me squawking across a multitude of sites and even getting to play games now and then

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