Hyper Scape is the one and only urban futuristic free-to-play Battle Royale where 100 contenders engage in first-person close-quarters combat and fast-paced matches to become the next global superstar...
In Immortals: Fenyx Rising play as Fenyx on a quest to save the Greek gods from a dark curse. Take on mythological beasts, master the legendary powers of the gods, and defeat Typhon, the deadliest Ti...
In Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, become Eivor, a fierce Viking warrior from Norway, and embark on the greatest journey. Settle with your clan in the rich lands of England and give your people hope and a ...
Today Ubisoft announced that the latest expansion to The Division 2 is coming to Xbox, Playstation 4, Windows PC and Uplay+ subscription service. It will be available March 3rd, 2020 with The Division...
Recently Ubisoft invited me down to represent GameSpace and get some hands-on time with their newest expansion to Division 2: Warlords of New York. Warlords bring several changes to the game mechanica...
Over the weekend I had a chance to play the Beta for Ghost Recon: Breakpoint which introduced the very beginning of the single-player story and new mechanics for this latest installment in the Ghost R...
Far Cry 5 by Ubisoft has had an exceptional response both critically and by fans around the globe. As their first encore expansion for Far Cry 5, Ubisoft has launched their Hours of Darkness expansion...