Bellwright Early Access Begins on 23 April

On 23 April Donkey Crew opens the gates and welcomes players when town-building adventure Bellwright enters Early Access. Arriving via Steam, the latest title from the Last Oasis studio promises adventurers a unique survival experience where making it through the day and winning freedom take resourcefulness, planning, and valor. Set in a medieval world where the crown weighs heavy on its lowly subjects, players can scratch out a living as they build a thriving homestead, before things take a different twist.


In among the unforgiving seasons and wildlife that inhabit the fertile land of Bellwright, food, farmland, and an abundance of resources await. Players can take on a wealth of town-building exercises, from houses to beehives, farmland, and more. You’ll need everything from a roof over your head to food for the winter. Whether it’s hauling in grain or just keeping warm, it isn’t all in your hands. NPCs, both good and bad linger among the trees and in the fields. It’s up to you to build and prosper using a range of tools, skills, and tech trees. Then, maybe prepare for battle.

Thrive and Conquer

Bellwright isn’t all about cutting down trees and economic dominance. Between bandits and crown forces, players will raise an army, overcome enemies, and engage in visceral combat. Following a deeply immersive storyline of intrigue and revolt, players will utilize all their wits to lead a burgeoning rebellion. As other villages are set free, the dark secrets of the past begin to become clear.

We’ve had a chance to get a look at Bellwright just last night and what really inspires us is the mix of combat, castles, survival mechanics, and RPG elements, all somehow set in a beautiful Unreal 5-powered age. Check out the trailer above to get a taste of ye ‘olde adventure and head to the Bellwright Steam Store page now for more.

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For those of you who I’ve not met yet, my name is Ed. After an early indoctrination into PC gaming, years adrift on the unwashed internet, running a successful guild, and testing video games, I turned my hand to writing about them. Now, you will find me squawking across a multitude of sites and even getting to play games now and then

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