Omega Strikers is an Intense Anime Air Hockey Brawler

Omega Strikers is out now on mobile, console, and PC, and it looks fabulous

Stylized sports brawler Omega Strikers just kicked off a melee of cross platform competitive encounters across iOS, Android, Nintendo Switch and PC yesterday. Xbox and PlayStation players can expect to get in on the action sometime soon. For the rest of us, this new free to play encounter is available right now and comes after some significant hype. A recent animated opening trailer by the team at Studio Trigger gave us a feel for what to expect earlier this month. Now, all that’s left if to log in, team up, and battle it out in a unique blend of stylized aesthetics, powerful abilities, and sporing sim that has some very positive reviews.

While it might be difficult to translate the work of an acclaimed anime studio into a top down arena, the team behind this new title seems to have done a pretty good job. Players picking up Omega Strikers will find themselves picking from a range of Otaku tinged characters, each with a plethora of Shonen styled abilities. Once these animated athletes step into the arena, you can expect to team up in intense 3v3 cross platform matches. The aim of this game is to move the puck into your opponent’s goal as many times as possible. While that all sounds simple enough, an energetic puck and a series of Strikers, Gear, and Awakenings mean that each match is entirely unpredictable.

We’ve barely had time to dabble in this new title, between this and another massive anime inspired game launch, but we’re going to try to score without blowing all our cash on cute in game micro-transactions too. To get an overview of what to expect, check out the gameplay trailer above or head over to the official website to grab it on available platforms.

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For those of you who I’ve not met yet, my name is Ed. After an early indoctrination into PC gaming, years adrift on the unwashed internet, running a successful guild, and testing video games, I turned my hand to writing about them. Now, you will find me squawking across a multitude of sites and even getting to play games now and then

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