During Gamescom 2017 Blizzard Entertainment has released the latest animated short for Overwatch. Called “Rise and Shine”, it is dedicated to a scientist named Mei-Ling Zhou. The video showed how Mei ended up alone, stranded in Antarctica, and what she had to go through to answer Winston’s Recall.
Recently the company has also released the making of video, taking behind-the-scenes look at the process of creating the animated short. Check it out above!
You can learn more about Mei on the official site of the game.
Mei-Ling Zhou was assigned to the monitoring station at Watchpoint: Antarctica when disaster struck: a sudden, catastrophic polar storm battered the installation and cut it off from the outside world, leaving the facility damaged and the scientists stranded. As their supplies dwindled, they entered cryostasis in a last-ditch effort to survive until a rescue attempt could be made.
But that rescue never came. It was years later when the team’s cryogenics chamber was finally discovered. Mei, still in hibernation, was the only survivor. The world Mei awoke to had gone through considerable changes: Overwatch was no more, the serious climate issues had worsened, and none of the eco-Watchpoints were in operation. Any clues that they had uncovered were lost.
Peter Lilley
Blizzard has done a great job with “Rise & Shine”, it was A-mei-zing! Same has been done with “The Plan” I totally loved it.
Apart from all this Blizzard’s store is shut and I wonder if they are ever opening up! In case you are looking for OW merch then Kill Ping Online Store is the way to go!