The Whispering Mist Rolls Into Torchlight Infinite Season SS4

Torchlight Infinite Season SS4

Torchlight Infinite Season SS4 is coming to mobiles and desktops on 18 April.

Heroes of Torchlight just got news of a brand-new update over the weekend. Publisher XD Games hosted a live stream, giving us all a ton of detail about the Seas SS4 update for this free to play dungeon crawler. Due to arrive on 18 April across iOS, Android, and PC platforms, the Whispering Mist add on will bring an apocalyptic air and a ton of new content to the unexplored realms around Torchlight. The latest live stream introduced the latest village for heroes to explore. Mistville was a quaint town once., but between the cobbled streets and empty town spaces, a rolling fog and deadly secrets linger. Players entering the fray will find themselves managing their sanity and trying to determine what secrets the fog hides. A roguelike trip into the Neatherrealm is even more dangerous, but plenty of rewards are up for grabs in the Clocktower Challenges.



New Transformations


In SS4, our beloved character Cateye Erika takes centre stage with an electrifying new hero trait. Witness her transformation into Lightning Shadow as she harnesses the power of Ember tech. This change leans further into mobility and quick attacks but reduces Erika’s ability to endure incoming damage. The trade off looks impressive. Check out the new trailer for this shocking new twist.



There is even more coming to the latest update in Torchlight. Expect a multiplayer mode, new upgrades, a Season Pass, a battle Anchor plan, tons of in game and experience optimizations, and anniversary rewards. The 1st full year of Torchlight Infinite will reward players with even more loot than Mistville has to offer. A free SSR Pactscript, back accessory, and more are planned. With so much hiding in Whispering Mist, it’s high time you prepared for Torchlight infinite Season SS4 over on the official website.

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For those of you who I’ve not met yet, my name is Ed. After an early indoctrination into PC gaming, years adrift on the unwashed internet, running a successful guild, and testing video games, I turned my hand to writing about them. Now, you will find me squawking across a multitude of sites and even getting to play games now and then

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