Twin Mirror Release Date And Pre Orders Are here

Twin Mirror, the upcoming adventure form Dontnod Entertainment and Shibuya Productions, now has a firm release date for later this year and pre-orders are already live.

Coming to PC, via the Epic Games Store, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One, Twin Mirror is set to land on the aforementioned formats on 1 December 2020. The Epic Games store listing for Twin Mirror will remain exclusive for one year before there is any hint of it moving to Steam, Anybody who already has their Epic Games account ready to go can now pre-order Twin Mirror on this storefront and grab the original soundtrack as a pre-order bonus.

To celebrate the release date news, Dontnod has unveiled a new gameplay trailer for Twin Mirror. This extra glimpse into the upcoming narrative title focuses heavily on Twin Mirror’s main protagonist’s, Sam Higgs, Mind Palace.

If that doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, check out the trailer and hopefully it will all become clear. A former investigative journalist, Sam has developed an array of analytical skills and these are presented as hi mind Palace. From here you’ll uncover multiple aspects of Sam’s personality as he uncovers the mystery that seems to surround his return to small-town America. While he confronts his past and tries to get to the bottom of what exactly is going on, players can use the Mind Palace as a safe space to study the environment and gather clues allowing the simulation of multiple scenarios to deduct the course of events or predict the story’s key turning points.

Whether you end up losing control of events around you or uncover a truth better left buried, you’ll be able to take a moment and step through your decisions using this unique mechanic. To find out more about Twin Mirror and Sam’s journey and the Twin Mirror release date, head over to the official Twin Mirror website now.

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