BDSM: Big Drunk Satanic Massacre Is A Wild Night In

BDSM: Big Drunk Satanic Massacre is about to cause a hell-uva ruckus as this satirical action-RPG defends hell from a corporate takeover this September.

When I said big corporates have their own special place in hell, I didn’t expect them to go looking for it. Well, in BDSM: Big Drunk Satanic Massacre the suited slaves of the industry’s megacorps have come looking for a fitting place to kick back and retire. Corporations are invading Hell. It’s up to you as Satan’s number one Son to grab your guns and blast the dead daylights out of anything that’s sporting a tie.

Unchained Action

Developed and published by Big Way Games, this anarchic idea marries top-down ARPG action with the kind of oddball comedy you’d expect from a hellspawn named Lou. As you progress through hell, you’ll come up against a range of increasingly difficult foes and what appears to be a variety of boss encounters to keep things interesting. All of this action is crammed into four levels representing different areas of Hell. Our number one Son will blow his way through the hellish Big Wack fast food café, Skeleton Slums, and the Red Light District on the way to rescue the hottest Mistress from the clutches of a fat clown. We didn’t say it made sense but you will find plenty of firepower awaits. You’ll even find magical milk on your quest, because why not?. The team at Big Way Games seem pretty hot on their new idea too:

“We’re going completely over-the-top with BDSM,” said Big Way CEO, Konstantin Semenov. “When you put players in control of Satan’s son, you have to pull out all the stops, and that’s just what we’re doing — giving them a relentless hellfire-fueled thrill ride of guns, gore, and plenty of humor.”

SO if you are sick on the corporate grind and want to push back against the man then get ready to lock, load, fire, and brimstone your way across the darkest pits of Hell in BDSM: Big Drunk Satanic Massacre when it comes to PC and Console on 26 September. In the meantime, you can warm up with some information on the game’s Steam Store page.

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