On March 24, 2022, Halo the Series has launched on Paramount+. It is the year 2552 and humans living on a far out world named Madrigal are trying to free themselves from Earth’s rule. The rebel forces...
The official site of Sony Interactive Entertainment has been updated with the message that Bungie, the studio behind iconic franchises Halo and Destiny, joins the PlayStation family. The developer wil...
Last night’s The Game Awards 2021 was a star-studded event that gave us a look back at the year that was and at some of the finest games and game makers of the year. In addition, developers and ...
Forget your fridges, games are coming for the sink as halo gets its very own Spartan Scrub soap. It seems that Halo is out to clean up with the launch of a soap, just as Halo Infinite is about to arri...
Brian Jarrard, Halo Community Director at 343 Studios, has taken to Reddit to reveal that Halo Infinite will be skipping The Game Awards due to the team still dealing with ramifications due to the rel...
Halo 2: Anniversary is joining Halo: Reach and Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary in the Halo: The Master Chief Collection. The game is coming to PC on May 12, 2020! Now optimized for PC, experience the...
At the beginning of March PC gamers were able to get their hands on Halo: Combat Evolved shooter as a part of Halo: The Master Chief Collection on Steam. Now, the team from 343 Industries posted an up...
In a surprise deployment, Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary just dropped on steam. Yep, the original Halo is back on PC! Last night my time, and while the world wasn’t paying attention, developer 343 I...
As a part of Halo: The Master Chief Collection, PC players could already get their hands onto Halo: Reach shooter in winter 2019. The next game to release for PC will be Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversa...