
Rayark Hit Pay On Deemo II

Indie developer Rayark has just announced that the utterly charming Deemo is about to get a sequel, called Deemo II. While the naming convention might not be as unintuitive as the new Xbox Series X, I...

140 Switch Review – In Rhythm Color

Can you hear that sound? Can you feel the beat? In 140 by Carlsen Games, feeling the music and listening for patterns is fundamental to being successful in this rhythmic puzzle platformer. 140 was ori...

7.8 Good

AVICII Invector Beats A Path to PC and Console

AVICII Invector is about to bring the breathtaking beats of AVICII to gamers this winter with a rhythm game that melds music with a unique vision. Get ready to play to the beat as AVICII Invector hits...

The Best Steam Releases This Week

Summer. Let’s try that again. SUMMER! If you’re a minor in the US, you most likely have a couple of months of meaningless and mindless nothing to focus on and give your brains a recharge. ...

Muse Dash Is About To Put Rhythm on A Platform

It’s no surprise to anybody here at Gamespace that I adore anything title that’s bright, unusual, Japanese. So when X.D. Network announced Muse Dash was coming to PC and Nintendo Switch in June, I was...

Steam High Five: April 19, 2019 Edition

April is almost over, and I’m sure that over the month many of us, especially me, have proven to be fools in some aspect or another. Or maybe we were just fooled. But the past is the past, and n...

STEAM HIGH FIVE: On The Cusp of New Adventure

With the new year arriving, it can be tempting to reminisce on events of the passing year; games, adventures, and work missed in order to facilitate said games and adventures. That’s all fine an...

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