Base Building

Fade to Silence

Fade to Silence Review

Winter isn’t coming. It’s here already, and it’s staying. In the bleak, frozen, and corrupted wasteland of the future, Ash struggles to keep his daughter and whatever remainder of hu...

8.5 Great

Is Satisfactory a Satisfying Game?

From Coffee Stain studios comes a new twist to the factory building automation genre with its newest game Satisfactory which is available on the Epic Store. If you’re familiar with games like Factorio...

9 Amazing

Steam High Five: April 26, 2019 Edition

Today’s selections include drone battles for quickly depleting resources, a mother’s quest to find her daughter amidst a plague of zombies, isometric robot battles, another isometric adven...

Steam High Five: March 29, 2019 Edition

The “Next Big Thing” is not always for everyone, nor should it be. Sometimes it’s the less obvious things you encounter as you progress through whatever journeys life takes you on. S...

Assassin’s Creed Rebellion Review

An assassin’s work is never done. Especially when you belong to an ancient order of assassins dedicated to thwarting and eliminating the oppressive machinations of an equally ancient order of ty...

9 Amazing

Kenshi Review: Of Swords, Scavenging, and Strife

I know what you’re thinking. Society is overrated. You can’t stand it, but it inevitably insinuates its vile influences into your otherwise perfect life and you know it would be so much be...

6.1 Fair


Let’s face it, the majority of games center around mayhem in one form or another. Whether combatting, preventing, or enacting there are games of that specific ilk that allow and encourage it all...

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